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Building a Flask Application with Google Cloud SQL, User Analytics, and Ethnicity Insights

Creating a full-stack web application that leverages Flask, Google Cloud SQL, and insightful analytics is a rewarding journey. In this blog, we’ll explore how to build a personality test web application...

Understanding the Four Temperaments

The concept of the four temperaments—sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic—has its roots in ancient Greek medicine, attributed to Hippocrates and later expanded by Galen. These temperaments describe...
Designer (2)

Python Notes Solutions

Homework Solutions Homework 1: Variables and Data Types Declare and Print Variables: # Declare variables x = 5 # int y = 3.14 # float name = "John" # str is_admin = True # bool colors = ["red",...

Python Notes

Get Started with Python Understand what is Python : Amazing notes documented at notion : Homework...

Python programming language - Explained in 5 minutes

Python is an amazing programming language that’s super easy to learn and super powerful too! What is Python? Python is a way to tell a computer what to do. It’s like writing a recipe for...
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